Hello Diane and Peter! I wanted to send you an update on Rogue – she is 4 now. Cheers! Duda & Rogue (2024)
She just received her first official title – NTE (Novice Trick Dog)! The intermediate trick dog title is soon to come once I take the video. We have been training hard for agility and have a couple of qualifying runs under our belt – hopefully we get a novice title this season. We’ve been training in rally-O as well but have only attended mock trials so far. Rogue is loving all of it as well as snuggling, hiking, and doing zoomies. She’s a happy, healthy girl.
Hi Diane,
I’m writing to reflect on a “lifetime” relationship with Cantope.
Sadly, we lost our dear Tag (brown standard) one year ago today. He was coming on 13 years old. It’s still hard to process…
Since the day we brought Tag home, Cantope was available to help us with all of our questions.
Tag came into our home used to his kennel, and was just the kindest, sweetest soul. It was obvious he came from a place of love. We could not meet him face to face first, although called and met some references they provided in my city. He was the way a puppy should be; energetic, curious, happy, but so well dispositioned. He did had a chronic problem with his tooth. They made us aware, and agreed to cover any dental expense. We followed their recommendations with zero problems. He was very well socialized, he came to a home with cats, a 2 year old and 7 month old baby.
As he aged, I called on Diane for guidance. There was nothing I would not have done for Tag. When his vision started to deteriorate, I considered eye surgery. Diane recommended that he would adjust, and just be patient, and allow him to age with grace. When he had seizures, and as things worsened; I would call them from time to time for advice.
They answered the call EVERY time. They always listened. They were always helpful. They sent a birthday card every year of his life.
He remains one of the treasured souls I’ve ever had the privilege of knowing. And I really owe Cantope for bringing him into our lives, giving him an incredible start, and guiding us, and always being a great support system.
When we decided to adopt a puppy, we were on the fence of a third child, or a dog. Tag became both. Thank you Diane for one of the greatest loves our family has known.
Love, Bonnie, Gina, Billy, Maggie, & Wylie. (April 2020)
Hello Diane
I can’t believe it’s been about 7 months since we brought Indy home. Can’t imagine this house without him! He is so fantastic. He’s gentle, smart, calm and a bit of a clown. Walking him down the street people often comment ‘what a good looking dog’ . Indy will be 9 months old in 2 days and he’s already weighing in at 63 pounds (big boy).
He’s completed puppy obedience , basic obedience and trick class. Next up is agility and possibly scent detection. His calm demeanour has the trainers suggesting him as therapy dog…
He’s very patient with the resident 14lb mini poodle who is the boss of the house. The poor cat doesn’t get much rest from him though lol. He loves all dogs he meets and never seems to tire of playing.
We went to visit Santa with our 4 poodles and I thought I’d send a copy on to you. It turned out so cute!
All but the apricot one are from you.Amanda (Nov 2018)
Peter and Diane
Toby 2018
Toby 2018
Thank you for the lovely Birthday reminder for Toby. We love getting your card. It reminds us of how much you care for your family of Poodles.
We have been talking about bringing Toby out to see you sometime. We would love for you to see how lovely he is and how YOUNG he remains.
Such a great family member. We cannot imagine our lives with out him.He continues in great health. Great energy and great teeth and no issues. He did have a small follicular lesion removed from his left lower eye this year. No issues. And I forgot to mention last year that he had a cyst removed from his hind side. No issues. A wee bit of age is creeping into his one hip but for the most part he still thinks he is a puppy. Lovely black colour still too!
We trust all is well with you and thank you again for giving us such a lovely puppy.
Lynn (Oct 2018)
Baron 2018
Baron 2018
Just wanted to send a few pics and give a quick update.
Baron is doing amazing!
He has been with us to weddings, church, in the hospital Emerg for 5hrs… I couldn’t be more happy with how he’s coming along!
At his 4 mth bet visit he weighed 32Ibs and stands 22” at the shoulders!… he’s a big guy 🙂
My vet has 5 other Poodles from your kennel as clients and he said they are all relaxed and calm Dogs and he likes them all.All the best!
Cara (Oct 2018)
Good morning,
We thought we’d give you another quick update on Winston.
We’re amazed at how quickly he picks up on things. He already knows the sit and come commands. We’ve even been playing a bit of fetch. He’s doing really well walking on a leash and already sits in anticipation of his food.
His house training is coming along really well. He already goes to the door to be let out. Any accidents have been totally our fault. He loves to sleep under chairs and at our feet. This is probably a good thing since it avoids being stepped on 🙂
Winston 2018
He’s discovered that there is a world above him. He has noticed that things are not just on the floor but on tables and chairs. We’re slowly improving our puppy proofing skills.
Lastly, sleeping at night has been terrific. The first night, he cried a lot in his cage. We comforted him verbally and then he eventually quieted down on his own. We were up with him 4-5 times during the first night so he could pee. Now, he rarely cries going into his cage and the last 2 nights he has slept a solid 6 hours straight.
I don’t know if this will last, but I’d say we’re off to a really good start.
We are at the cottage now which he seems to really be enjoying. He didn’t even mind the long car ride. He loves carrying things like bowls and sticks in his mouth.
Winston 2018
He’s an awesome dog and we couldn’t be happier with our choice.
I hope things are going well for you.
Linda and Ian (Aug 2018)
We received birthday wishes for Rybka
Rybka 2018
Thank you so much from her
Attached also is a picture of MyszkaMyszka 2018
We have two very amazing family members thanks to youThere are absolutely no health concerts at all with either one of them
Our vet has taken pictures of Rybkas mouth and teeth because at her age he said that they are very well kept but I do brush their teeth regularly and when I say let’s go brush teeth myszka is the first one in the bathroom Rybka follows him in making sure he is thereShe seems to be a mommy I think she would have been a great dog to breed
Once again thank you so much for such great additions to our family
Both of them are very loving
Hugs(Jun 2018)
Hi Diane,
Hope you are all well. I wanted to let you know that Soleil passed her Therapy Dog International test and is now a registered Therapy Dog. It took her a little longer than Ciel and Argent but she nailed the test.
Susan(Jun 2018)
This is pretty close to Diana’s prediction that they would be snuggled up together after one week!
Theo and Poppy
Poppy is doing really well at home and learning very quickly. She is still getting used to the crate and is doing awesome with potty training. Theo is getting used to being a big brother. They have already started playing together and Poppy is not afraid to take Theo on!
Just one aside – we had a fun competition with our training group last night and Theo and I placed in the top 3 in all 4 categories!
We have an awesome poodle family!
All the best,
Stefanie and David
(Jun 2018)
Hi there, hope all is well. We are so happy with Justin. He is beautiful, smart, friendly, full of personality. I only want to say thank you for breeding such wonderful dogs. We love Justin very much, he brings us so much joy. Rosanna.
(Jun 2018)
Elle and Louis
Good morning Diane,Just wanted to share with you this picture. Elle is now with us since 3 weeks. She is an amazing dog!!! Louis and her are best buddy. Getting her was the best thing I did!
Thank you so much!!
Julie (May 2018)
It has been a while since we have seen you so I thought I’d send a quick note with an update and some photos.
Martha is doing really well. She is now 39.6lbs and has really settled down since her birthday. She is walking beautifully on leash walks now and is becoming much more trust worthy around the house (we still have to make sure we keep Nya’s socks out of her sight and reach though). She is still loving her organized play dates and we plan to start her in fun with agility classes in the fall. I am starting to get so many compliments on what a lovely, well behaved and friendly disposition when we are in public. She is truly a best friend and a very important member in our family. We are so glad we chose a Cantope puppy!
All the best for a wonderful summer!
(May 2018)
Hi Diane and Peter,
We got your lovely 1 year postcard, thank you for staying in touch! Unfortunately the postcard was filled out and waiting by the door to be returned, when it was swept into the recycling by accident. I thought I would email you instead. Kody is doing really well, he is the best dog! So inquisitive, and extremely well behaved and gentle around other dogs and small children. He loves to play with a ball, and can easily catch it right in his mouth off a bounce. Training went well, he can do all the basics; sit, stay, come, lie down, drop it. Leash training is ongoing. We are lucky to back onto a big forest where dogs can be off-leash, so he is spoiled and running free for at least one walk per day. We just had him cut in a summer ‘do so he’ll stay a bit cooler and more comfortable for the summer. He seems to like it! I have attached some pictures!Foot to Shoulder height: 25 inchesWeight: 65 lbs
Kody (May 2018)
Hope you both and Cantope are doing well! Please let me know if there is ever any other information you need.
Hi Diana and Peter,
Shadow (May 2018)
It is hard to believe that Shadow is a year old and we are coming up on the anniversary of when we brought her home! My apologies for not being in contact sooner.
Shadow is doing great! She has a loving and gentle personality and has been a perfect fit for our family. I won’t say that she and our cat Lucky are exactly friends…..but they get along ok (most of the time – lol).
It didn’t come as a surprise that Shadow loves the cottage – both in the summer and the winter. We did have her in the lake last year so hopefully she remembers that and goes in again this year! Since the cottage is boat access there are no roads to worry about we let her run free at the cottage – which she just loves! She also seems to really like the snow and we have some great videos of her running through 6 inches of fresh soft snow. It was pretty funny the first time she encountered deep soft snow…….she was running full out on a plowed section and leaped up onto the snow (about 18 inches high)……of course she sank and came to an almost immediate very ungraceful stop!
We have completed basic obedience training……..come, sit, stay, down, heel. She is extremely smart and picked up the training very easily. The trainer we had indicated that there would be almost no limit on what we could train her to do as she is very intelligent and also seemed to enjoy the training.
We haven’t had any health issues. She was spayed in March and there were no complications with her recovery.
When we brought her in to be spayed in March she was 43lbs. I measure her at approx. 25 inches shoulder to floor.
I’ve also attached a picture.
Take care and we will keep in touch.
Trish (2018)
Hi Diane and Peter
On behalf of our beautiful boy Felix I wanted to thank you for the birthday wishes on his 3rd birthday (June 18,2014). I’ve attached a couple of photos which you are welcome to use on your website.
Height: 29 1/2 “Weight 54lbs
Health: Extremely healthy, happy boy ; picky eater; allergic to beef and all bovine animals like elk and deer
Training: 1. Obedience training
- Therapy/Facility Dog training … Felix obtained his certification as a Therapy Dog at age 1 and has since been working in my dental clinic 3 days a week as a therapy dog to calm patients and support nervous patients through their dental treatment.
- Agility training/ the Fun League …. Recently started
Brags: Felix is extremely intelligent and sets people at ease with his calm demeanor, goofy smile, and a hug. He has developed special relationships with everyone from the dog walker to the doggie daycare staff to the vet techs to patients in the practice and my staff. His regal demeanor has earned him abundant attention and he is no doubt the most photographed dog in Mississauga, often by strangers and passers-by.
Stories to share: When he’s not working and not wearing his work vest he’s an energetic boy who loves to play the chasing game and run loops around the yard or pick a toy and try to entice us into playtime with him. His favorite toy is a Coca Cola bear and of course numerous balls. His enemies are the pool cleaner and ducks, rabbits or crows who dare to encroach on his playground. He has a wonderful sense of humor and is frankly a joy to everyone who he interacts with. He is truly special and we love him dearly.
Thanks once again and enjoy your weekend
Sonia and Bohdan
HI there
We just received Toby’s Birthday Card today, for his pending Nov 9 , 9th Birthday. Wow time flies!
We love getting these cards. It says a lot about you and your continuing interest in your puppies that became so wonderfully our family.
Thank you!I have posted back your post card…nothing remarkable except that our Toby continues to be such a wonderful boy and so healthy and vigorous that we shock people when we now tell them he is almost 9! He remains such a puppy at heart and in the mind and certainly in body. We are so fortunate.
I thought I would grab some recent photos to share with you, all from this year, to show you what a lovely boy he is.
Thank you for keeping in touch! Lynn McLauchlin
Hello Diane, Peter:
We just received your 1 year postcard today and I thought I would send you an email to give you an update on our pup Mocha (from Sophie and Domino), born September 16, 2013.
Mocha is an amazing dog, and her temperament is exactly what we wished for. She is sweet, gentle, always happy, playful but calm and very smart. She follows me around the house but is not overwhelmingly needy. She just loves to sit next to me whether i’m at the computer or watching TV on the couch. Thanks for breeding such a wonderful pup. I’m attaching a recent photo of Mocha. She has yet to meet a human or animal that she doesn’t like. Of course the feeling is not always reciprocated! She was super easy to train from the beginning. Most people don’t believe me when I tell them we picked her up Nov 16th and she was basically toilet trained by Christmas. She also crate trained easily and basic puppy training was breeze. Mocha has brought so much joy to our family. Apart from a couple of minor eye infections, she has been very healthy. She is also exactly the size that we wanted. Her current weight is 45lbs and 23 inches at almost 12 months.Best to you all, Vera Roncon
Good evening, Diane and Peter,
Just to let you know I posted some pictures of Saulivan on FB this past week and this afternoon, I caught a video of him, playing with Jenna’s babies and posted that too. I have been sharing these things, but not sure if you are getting them.
Saulivan was weighed on Aug. 3rd, exactly 1 month since arriving here and he has doubled his weight and was weighing 22 lbs. As of the last 2 days, I can hardly lift him so he must be over 25 lbs. I am going to have to break down and get him a big boy hair cut, as I found some prickly burrs stuck in his puppy hair on his front chest and in one of his front arm pits. I didn’t even try to pick them out of his fluffy fur, just got the clippers out and shaved them off. He seemed most appreciative to have had them removed.
Saulivan is now allowed full access to our living room at will, as he has never messed in there and hasn’t messed in the house for over two weeks now. Never had an easier puppy to train. I thought he would have some trouble adjusting when Beau left, but his new best buddies have turned out to be our Sassy and Panda, taking turns playing with him. Jenna is still too absorbed with her babies to want to spend much time playing with anyone.
Saulivan possesses a very happy content nature. He is sociable with everyone, but never obnoxious nor attention seeking. He just weaves his special kind of happiness wherever he goes and whoever he meets. Unlike all my other poodles, he takes special care of his stuffy toys and keeps them all intact and hoards them in his crate. At night, we simply say, “bedtime Saulivan” and he just prances into his crate and awaits his bedtime treat, readjusts his toys and settles in for a good night’s sleep. In many ways, he is like Beau……he sits in the background of the girls and waits patiently for his treat, just like Beau did……could this be a Domino trait? He is never pushy nor demanding…..again just like Beau.
So in summary:
His recall is perfect at this time, when I say, “Leave It”, he does everytime, He sits nicely for a treat. He is a wonderful walker, but we are still having a bit of a problem with him wanting to chew the leash as he walks. Next week, we are going to work on “stay” and “down”. He knows the “off” command and rarely do I have to use it. He counts on his daily session on my lap in the rocking chair and knows precisely what time of day this should happen. Cantope, once again you have bred the perfect little gentleman, making my life so much easier. Thank you.
Have a great weekend,
About JACK, from Lynda & Dave
I must say I think we’ve brought home the most brilliant puppy from the pack.He knows his name (in large part to your team at Cantope, I’m sure)He knows what door to run to when he needs to go out ‘to get busy’ and he’s vocal about it. Otherwise he’s content to just take a look outside now and then. I have 2 sets of double full glass doors so he has an easy view to the back garden, but again, he knows the one door that leads him to his important spot. And he goes to it on his own and in no uncertain terms tells me that he needs to go out.The drive home he napped through.He ate immediately upon arrival and then had lots of meandering around the yard and in the house.He’s happy with his crate. He has gone in it on his own and today he even tried to drag his tunnel into it.Sleeping was very good.First night was bed at 10 then wake for ‘busy time’ at 12:30, again at 3:30, and again at 6:30 am.He’s such a joy!We’re just thrilled to have him as a new member of the family.Our first visit to the vet is Monday at 12:30.Thanks again so much for your thoughtfulness.Best regardsLynda & Dave
Cantope Tino Ronan Blue
Hi Peter and Diane,just so you know- Ronan is an angel- he is settling in v well- he is eating v well,gave a few little cries and off he went to potty etc when we brought him out….Godiva has growled a bit but as soon as he cried she ran over to lick him and basically I think her growling is boundary setting.Raphael has had a lot of fun playing with him in the garden- who knew??? Ronan has visited several neighbours who are all now volunteering to walk him…ha! he is SO sweet- So receptive and So social- he is truly a gem and we are all already in love with him <3 He is very calm, very sweet tempered and highly receptive- he is meeting more people tonight- our eldest son & his g/f- but we are keeping him generally calm and being receptive to his cues- he is a doll!!!!Thank you again- he is a beautiful dog whose personality is even more lovely- he is a real sweetheart and I really feel I can bring him to work very quickly- he is so calm people will resonate with that!I will keep you guys up to date- I have insured him already with our company Petsecure and will de- insure Raphael next month- he will see Doug LeGallais- our vet- in 2 weeks- I am not concerned- he seems as healthy as a horse!and he will meet our groomer on the w/e just for the social aspect-thanks again- ” Therese, Aurora, Ontario
Cantope’s Sable Bella Wooster

After developing MPS (Multiple Poodle Syndrome) I went looking for a breeder who bred good natured, poodles. Diane of Cantope was outstanding – she spent a great deal of time speaking with me on the phone answering all my questions (I had had a bad experience with another breeder). We bought Bella home in March 2009 and she is the most affectionate, lovable poodle I have ever met. Diane’s interest and help didn’t end after we took Bella home, more than a year later she is still available for questions and help. Diane and Peter care about their dogs. I wouldn’t get another poodle from anyone else or board my dogs with anyone else. They are worth the drive from Oakville to Pefferlaw! Bella also enjoys her birthday card from Cantope” – Julia Wooster, Oakville, Ontario
Cantopes Ravin’ about Raven
Hi Peter and Diane, greetings from Calgary. I can’t believe Raven will be 2 in May. Just wanted to let you know what a wonderful addition Raven has made to our family. She’s grown into the most devoted dog pal anyone could ask for and is so willing to please. You picked the right puppy for us Diane, she absolutely LOVES to run and retrieve her ball or catch her Frisbee and has learned more tasks than any standard poodle I’ve ever known. She can count to three (barking), helps remove your socks or gloves if you ask her to ‘tug’, knows to ‘shake’ with her right paw, ‘wave’ with her left paw, and will ‘bow’ to name a few. She finished top of the class in puppy school and was the quickest to find her way out of the maze. You can tell she’s still an adolescent and ‘obedience’ reminders are ongoing. She’s excellent off leash and comes every time even with the distraction of other dogs. I call her tail her ‘happy flag’ as it never stops wagging. She’s been extremely healthy, other than the routine stuff, no concerns at all. You do a terrific job with your poodle family, thanks again for sending Raven our way!
Best regards, Susan Lucas (2007)
We were so pleased with our first Cantope poodle that we ordered a second one two years later. He is a reba/watson pup. Return business is the highest compliment we can pay a breeder. Enjoy your Cantope puppy. (Reference sent by Cantope customer for a potential customer 2005)
My name is Laurie and I live in Ottawa. I purchased a puppy last week from Cantope – one of the apricot puppies from Reba and Watson. I was owned by a black standard poodle for 11 years until his death at Christmas. I wanted another standard, but wanted to do my research on which breeder thoroughly.I have to say I had outstanding assistance from my vet on which breeder to go with for a standard pup for a pet. My vet wanted nothing but the best for my future puppy and requested that any potential breeders I thought of going with, send the genetic testing of the parents/grandparents to his office for him to look at. Several breeders I talked to either didn’t have ALL the genetic testing results that my vet wanted done, or wouldn’t send it to my vet (citing privacy issues). Several breeders did send the requested testing information to my vet, but Cantope came out miles ahead of everyone else.
I toured the Cantope facilities (along with other breeders) over the course of a month and was most impressed with the set-up at Cantope. The dogs were part of the family and were obviously well looked after and Peter didn’t hesitate to spend a long time talking to my husband and I about his breeding program. Don’t be mistaken, WE were being interviewed too. They want nothing but the best for their pups. After seeing the Cantope facilities, there was no other alternative. A Cantope poodle was what we wanted and nothing else would do.
I have to say that Cantope went out of their way to send all their testing results to my vet who approved them 100%. The only choice for me then was WHICH PUPPY ? ? ? ? We had six puppies to choose from and ANY of them would have been perfect for us as a pet. It was luck of the draw that we chose the pup we got. They all looked outstanding to me and I would have been thrilled to have any of the pups.
Please get one of their puppies – I can’t say enough good things about Cantope. I even telephoned Cantope for advice the day after we brought Java home and didn’t feel like I was imposing on them. Java is a bundle of energy and has our undying love and devotion. I stare at him for hours thinking how lucky I am to be owned by him. (Reference sent by Cantope customer for a potential customer 2005)
Diane,I want to thank you and your husband for the time and effort that you spent with us. I had come to you because of the warranty that you had implied on your website. An unconditional focus on customer service.
What we experienced was much more than that. We saw an actual love from you for “you babies” as your husband likes to call them. This was evident in the small details you took to make us aware of the pups daily routine, provide food and water, toys, baby blanket and even that personal scarf.
You must have some “East Indian” influence on you because your “little girl” sure felt like she came home with a dowry to look after her every need. The poodle care book, CD, leash, collar, doggie bone, and other guides for us very valued highly.
Your responsiveness to emails and calls was also exceptional. More than that you have stood behind your guarantee on an unconditional basis which speaks volumes for you. The real testament is when you go to see other breeders and can offer a basis of comparison. You are clearly heads above most. My hat off to both you and your husband for the manner in which you conduct business, the way you keep your kennel and the exceptional temperament of your dogs.
I wish you the best of luck in your endavours and will not hesitate to recommend you to others. It’s a small world and I hope the word about you filters out.
Best Regards,
Joseph, Indira and Elizabeth Bazal (2005)
Hello, Diane and Pete,Funny you should ask. I was planning to send you an email this morning.
Gilli is a welcome addition to our family. Our two boys just worship the ground he walks on. He has been spending most of the weekdays with Dave at the office. He has become the “offical greeter”. Each night he takes turn sleeping in one of the boys’ bed. In the evenings, we go for walks in the neighborhood. He is so well behaved.
We are so pleased to have Gilli as part of our family. I think he is happy to be here, too. We love him so.
I plan to send you some photos of Gilli and boys. Last week with the weather being nice, we were able to take some great photos outside.
All the best–
Kimberly Matthews Giandiletti (2006)

Jessie and her big sister Maggie
Diane/Peter, we thought you might like to see how the little girl that you helped bring in to this world was doing. This is Jessie and her big sister Maggie just after a visit to the beauty parlour last week. Jessie is a lively, happy girl who just adores her big sister (the feeling is mutual)and is very outgoing. Everyone in the neighborhood loves her and she loves them right back. She bosses her sister around and Maggie lets her, most of the time. She is very bright and energetic and we couldn’t be more pleased with her. We now have the two most beautiful Standards in Ottawa !!Take care
Alan and Christine (2006)
Peter and Diane,
I emailed Kerry right away with an invitation to meet Gilda. Even non-dog people love her! We haven’t taken any pictures recently – sorry! She’s huge, and will get groomed the day before her spay operation – maybe I can try to get a good picture then. Gilda is a delight to everyone, and really seems different now that she’s getting older. (She’s our first experience of a puppy).
We continue to work on training with her every day, and the kids help too. An example of how responsive she is: A couple of months ago, I was walking her by the river, off-leash, and some teenagers had a pepperoni pizza right out on a park bench. They also had a dog, that they didn’t seem to know what to do with. Anyway, Gilda starting walking over to sniff, and I asked her to “walk away”, and she walked right back to me, and didn’t go back to them once she’d had her little treat. Also, she seems to be a peacemaker in the dog park, and a lot of people say that their dog usually doesn’t play with anybody, except Gilda can get these dogs comfortable enough to play with her. She’s also adept at staying out of conflicts with other dogs, and seems to be very flexible in the way she plays with them. If they want to be chased, she chases, if they want to chase her, fine. Most want to wrestle, that’s fine too. She’s just really happy hanging out with any dog. And, of course, she’s extremely people-oriented too, which is one reason we’ve worked on the “walk-away” command so much, because there are a surprising number of adults who are afraid of all dogs.
Anyway, we will keep you posted on Gilda, and hope to meet Kerry soon.
Best regards,
Leah (2006)
Hi Peter and Diane,I wanted to send a quick hello and a couple pictures of our girl Mya. We just absolutely love her, what a great dog. She’s enjoying her
summer up North at our cottage, out on the boat and playing in the water. She’s just beautiful as a result of your beautiful breeding. We couldn’t be happier with her.
Mary-Anne (2009)
Dear Diane and Peter,I am writing this letter to let you know what a profound impact you have had on the lives of our family.
Tom and I have been visiting Cantope Kennels now for 2 and 1/2 years. From the very first visit, it was obvious to us how happy and healthy a home you have. I call it a home because, despite its being a business, it is very obvious to us that these dogs are “family”.
I remember clearly the first time you introduced us to an adult female. She walked daintily over to Tom, stood on her hind legs, and gently placed her paws on his shoulders (no mean feat, as Tom is 6 feet!). She looked him squarely in the eye as if to say “Nice to meet you”; she then returned to the floor and walked away. We were both astounded at her manners, and the almost human quality she displayed.
Unlike other breeders, you have an open door policy – we are welcome anytime, as you want your clients to see everything that’s going on, and while there is always a lot going on, Cantope Kennels is one of the most organized and well-run establishments I have ever had the pleasure of visiting.
Now to Dante, our pride and joy. Our red male came to us in March, and he has been an enormous blessing to us all. He is calm, loving, gentle, and a joy to have. He is extraordinarily well-behaved – it still comes as a shock that he has never chewed any of our furniture, as most pups tend to go through such a phase. Dante is an integral part of our family. He gets along famously with our 8 year old son, as he does with the children across the street and, indeed, all people. He plays beautifully with the dogs next door. Tom and I often look at each other and remark on our lives before Dante . . . and that it just wasn’t quite as rich as it is now.
The people who did the personality tests on Dante pegged him precisely. He has a cautious side to him – he is not the boldest of canines, but he is as laid back, as forgiving, and as loving as they stated.
I have watched Dante grow since he was a few weeks old, tumbling over his siblings in the pen you provide for your youngest puppies. I was floored the first time I realized that your young pups were residing in your livingroom. Nothing is too good for Cantope puppies!
I’ve watched you groom, Diane, and you are the master! You are firm, gentle, and loving, and despite the fact that grooming is not Dante’s favourite thing, he showers you with kisses, because you are his first “mom”, and he has never forgotten that! I’ve watched you discipline an uncooperative dog – your tone was calm but firm, as you knew his squirming on the table was a hazard to him. Everyone who works at Cantope is calm . . . and it’s obvious from the temperaments of your dogs that they are surrounded by even-tempered people.
I guess I could go on forever . . . I could talk about the extraordinary records Peter shows us when we want to know something about our dog . . . or his parents . . . or his parents’ parents. I could talk about the quality of the food you provide, the detailed instructions employees get regarding care and feeding of resident dogs, the routines you both provide, so each and every dog has a clean, happy, healthy environment.
Where I live, people are tired of hearing me gush about Peter and Diane and Cantope Kennels, but that’s only because they have no idea how incredible the people are who make Cantope what it is.
I have no interest in owning anything other than a Cantope poodle, and we are already in the process of discussing a new Cantope addition to our family.
Sonya Hutter (2008)
Well, Sterling has been in his forever home for 1 week and has wiggled his way into everyone’s heart! He is the happiest, most outgoing little guy! Abby thinks she has found her new best friend and we have added “Saint” in front of Zoe’s name. Sterling launches himself at any part of Abby he can reach, but preferably her head and she just mouths and plays with him the way she does with Pete. They chase each other around the house and I’m not sure what Sterling will do when he is too big to scoot under chairs. He fakes her out by lying still and as soon as she turns away, he jumps up and chases her. Their favourite game at the moment is tug – and anything will do…a toy, a tea towel or whatever else is handy, including our pant legs. He does little run-by muggings of Zoe and grabs her ears or face and she just stands there unless he nips a little too hard and then she just gives him a little warning and walks away. He is learning how hard he can play without getting told off, so by the time he starts playing with other dogs, he should have some pretty good manners.As Len says, “Sterling must have gotten the memo from Diane”, because he has been sleeping through the night for the past few nights. He may have just been lonely and missing his litter mates the first couple of nights home. His toilet schedule is becoming pretty predictable, so only a couple of peeing accidents in the house and no soiling, but that is because we are diligent at getting him out as soon as he wakes up, eats, has a big drink, or every hour or so. He know what he is going out there for and goes right away. Then we play for a bit and come back in. He is happy to get back in the house because he knows that he gets a tidbit of liver treat, which he sits and waits for. The smartest thing we did was make a little play pen for him to be in when we can’t keep an eye on him. He can see us, but can’t get into trouble. He eats in there as well.
We weighed him two days ago and he had already gained a pound – was 9.06 lbs. and 11 1/2″ at the shoulders. He has a great appetite and eats mostly softened kibble and some dry. He is excellent at chewing the dry kibble and not just swallowing it whole. We have now transitioned him totally to Innova Puppy food and he had no problems with the switch and is loving it.
I took some pictures this morning, so will send a couple as soon as I download them to the computer.
Chat soon,
Jeanette (2007)
Hi Bonnie,Diane and Peter Welsh asked us to tell you about Cantope poodles. We have a almost 4 year old silver female and a 6 month old blue female. Both are exceptionally good natured and affectionate dogs. They love other dogs as well as people. When we wanted a second puppy, we relied on Diane to find us a good match for Lexie. Annie is more than well-suited to Lexie as well as our family. We couldn’t be more pleased!
Annie and Lexie are wonderful family dogs. We can’t say enough good things about their breeding. It is notable that, although they both have great personalities, they are from totally different bloodlines. I can confidently say that I wouldn’t hesitate to have any Cantope poodle.
If you want any specific information, or if you want to see our dogs, please feel free to respond and I will be happy to set something up.
Liz Murray (2007)