What a Happy Looking Group!
Tag Archives: brown standard poodle puppy
Good Mum!
At two weeks of age Molly’s puppies eyes are open and they are starting to move around.
Molly R & Her Two Wonderful Puppies
Tasha & Her New Pack Leaders
Noah With His Extended Pack
Noah is all set to start off on his grand adventure!
Penny Goes to Her New Home
Penny With Her New Pack
Gizmo Bids Farewell to a Favourite Student
Gizmo and Bob Marley have one more romp.
Bob Marley With Some of His New Pack
Marley is all set to join his new pack!
Oakley Goes to his Forever Home
Oakley with his new pack leaders.
Trying to be Good
Gizmo teasing the Diamond & Pumpkin puppies during one of their lessons with Helen